The power of commitment in a Pro-Aging Lifestyle

In order to reap the benefit’s of a Pro-Aging lifestyle, I recommend that you commit to a few thing at a time. It’s taken me al least 40 years to get some things right, with many missteps along the way. It’s more important that you choose behaviors, anti-aging foods and clean beauty products that support everlasting vitality & youth thru commitment to building habits and practices that support extreme self care, thus aiding in stress reduction and positive transformation.

I am here to coach you along this journey !

I’ve tried over the years to live as an example of what is possible. I have many nieces and nephews to mentor into independent, resourceful energized women and men. It’s not been easy living a mostly single life but the advantage is that I HAVE TO take care of myself, no one will do it for me.

Here I want to help you eliminate any uncertainty around what and how to use clean cosmetics and makeup by trying and recommending the best that stands out over traditional over the counter or drugstore finds. All while boosting metabolism and your immune ststem leading to naturally radiant skin from within!

Mindset is essential…..consider

  • Lifestyle

  • body

  • mind

  • spirit

Commit to:

  • setting a clear goal

  • Gathering recommendations and referrals to help choose your regime

  • healthy eating and more water intake ( like half your body weight in ounces of water!!)

  • start a journaling practice

  • get up earlyier 20/20/20 rule to start the day: 20- move-20 meditate- 20 mindful journaling or day planning

  • walking meditation practice- get yourself outside please!

  • sunday funday, no errands, just sillyness and observing beauty.

  • one day meal plan/prep for your week, why stress about what to eat! And think eating your final meal early! Like by 6 or 7 pm.

  • Try a weeks worth of food from a local farmers market haul, see if the cost is worth the taste and freshness,you tell me !

  • Any questions? Im all ears!


Spring is here…..finally