Introductory to Pro Aging

It’s a lifestyle, one of your own making, no guilt no judgment. embracing the aging process and finding grace and strength in it. We all have beauty ritual’s that make us feel our best. Some are just a few steps, for others its consistant commitment to self care every day. We strive to look our age whatever season we are in, and shake off society’s ideas of youthfulnes. For me it’s a confidence, a deep knowing, putting my health both body and mind first. Learn more about my journey and find hope in aging with grace anchored in grit.

Treasure Hunting

From Salvation Army finds, to Alameda Antique Flea Market treasure hunting. It’s been a lifetime in the making. I grew up appreciating the history and uniqueness of Stuff. Every weekend we were up at dawn to drive full loaded to a local drive-in swap meet and flea market to sell our wares. My mom made a lot of our clothes and my grandparents made most of our dolls and toys. It’s turned into a love within me too! I love the story of stuff. It tells me of its use and value, It’s love and grounding in a home. I feel its energy and healing helping to create a beautifully curated home, office or outdoor space. It wants to belong, just like all of us.

Skincare and Clean Cosmetics

Its been a long and winding path to this moment. I’d heard this term “ clean cosmetics”. I was curious, but it took a diagnosis of skin cancer to get me more interested. I’ve been a beauty product obsessed beauty professional for around 40 years now. I’ve worn makeup on my face almost every day since I was 13! I’ve also been lucky to land in an industry that exposed me to many trends, procedures, skincare, makeup and haircare lines. I have buyed and tried so many things over time and definetly have an opinion.


It all begins with a desire. Maybe you want to get away from the grind. Maybe you want to turn time away into something more. Or maybe you have a wish to see with the world. Whatever expand your mind and fees your soul. Where can make all the difference.