Story of stuff

It all begins a beautiful mess. Maybe I wanted find some treasures. Maybe I want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe I have a decor esthetic I want to share with the world. Whatever it is, I want to tell you a story about stuff. The stuff we dream of, a way we dream to live, a home that is distinctly you and a space of shelter and healing. This is my journey thru stuff and the stories it tells me about myself, my hopes and dreams. Maybe it can tell you about the beautiful messs you are becoming too……….

Don’t worry about what’s currently in style. The idea of treasure hunting is to find the beauty in a pile of lost memories. Sound interesting to you? There are over 10 brick and mortar retailers I can think of filling your head with images and feelings about what is beautiful and desirable as a living space. How to inhabit your space, what colors texture and styles to adopt. If you are a suburbanite its one story or a city dweller its another, live in the desert? By a lake or on the ocean? Decor imbibes and infuses itself into a lifestyle esthetic you want to be part of, it speaks outwardly of who you wish to be and how you wish others to see you. But what;s the true story? well…. for me? It’s to control your own narrative. To put forward a vision of You. As you see yourself…its the story of stuff, your stuff and the way forward with developing personal style.

Treasure hunting has a purpose, it is to develop your eye and your sense of style, knowing it will change and evolve over time. Stuff has a history, it has a story we are interested to hear, to see and feel it come alive once placed in your home space. Nurturing and evolving your story is what’s going to separate this moment in time, this season of your life, each one from the last.

If you truly take in your surroundings and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your home style can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right, represent you and how you want to live for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


Daily Nourishment


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