Daily Nourishment

Food…..we cant live without it. Me….it’s how I show love. It’s how I honor my body. Cooking is how I ground and connect with myself and loved ones. A visit to my house will always include a snack or a meal, for sure a treat!

Humble beginnings being the oldest of 10 kids. We were definitely poor, hardly making ends meet most days, and it was loudly, messily, a house full of love, hugs and laughter! Mom made sure there were always fresh baked treats everyday, I woke daily to the smells of baking bread, muffins, dinner rolls, pizza crusts, pies, cookies and birthday cakes which all served to stretch our budget and kept the kids happy. We always had a garden and grew seasonally. My mother canned jams, sauces and pickles!!! I’ve yet to learn canning and hope to spend time with my patient Momma learning to carry on this family tradition. Now the baking? I leave that to my sister Danielle who is not only a lawyer but an accomplished Baker carrying on the tradition with her 3 girls!


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